Upcoming Launch

If we cancel a launch due to weather, we will announce it no later than 9:00 PM on the Thursday before the launch.
There is a 10,000' FAA waiver for our field and flights can be made to 14,000' with a call in.
NOTE: We do NOT allow Sparky, Skid Mark, Metal Storm, Dark Matter or any other sparking propellants to be flown or burned at our launches!
Motors allowed are 1/2A through M impulse. If you plan on flying L or M motors please contact Paul Sansoucie to arrange for pad placement or if you require the large rail (1515 rail). We do not have ground support for hybrid motors, If you plan to fly hybrid motors you need your own GSE, please contact in advance.
A Porta-Potty will be on site. No Camping allowed on the field. No BBQ or cooking allowed on the field
To stay up-to-date on launch information join the group email list, and join the Louisiana Rocketry Facebook Group. Links provided on left side of page under Social.